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Spray Tan Pre & Aftercare

Pre Tan Advice

Have a Patch Test at least 48hrs before your spray tan.

Exfoliate regularly especially the night before paying particular attention to knees, elbows and any other dry areas.

Paint your finger and toe nails, especially if they are acrylic, gels or gel polish.

Wax or shave at least 48 hrs prior to your treatment to allow pores to close.

Do not moisturise or use skin lotions on the day of your tan. Remove makeup, deodorant, lotions and perfume before your tan.

Wear loose dark clothing and flip flops or loose fitting shoes.

Refrain from eyelash / eyebrow tinting – allow at least 48hrs before your spray tan.

Disposable pants will be provided, please bring a old bikini if you would prefer not to be topless.

Post Tan Advice

Whilst the guide colour is still on the skin-

Do not apply makeup.

Avoid any friction or rubbing the skin.

Avoid activities which will result in sweating.

Do not bath or shower for at least 8 hours, the product should be left on over night to maximise the effect of the tan.

Aftercare Advice

Moisturise daily.

Do not take long baths or go swimming as this can fade the tan.

Avoid facial toners as it will bleach the tan.

Do not rub the skin too harshly after washing, just pat dry.

Start to lightly exfoliate after 4/5 days to encourage even fading.

Remember that the tan does not have any SPF factor and you must wear sun protection as usual.